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  • Writer's pictureBeccy Fox

End of Year Celebrations.

We are coming to the end of our second socially distanced academic year. The usual rites of passage, rituals and traditions have been cancelled. Well, not cancelled, re-invented. Once again we are "thinking outside the box" and using our creativity, determined to give our students the end of year they deserve.

At my current school, an IB PYP school, these end of year events include the PYP Exhibition, sports day, a summer concert and the Year 6 graduation. These have all taken place, but in a different format, either Zooming live to parents, recording presentations or, in the case of the graduation, holding a much pared down ceremony.

This year, I was invited to contribute to the Year 13 graduation of my previous school in Bali. I sent a video message of congratulations to the graduating class, some of whom had been in my first Reception class when I started at the school. The ceremony was streamed on YouTube so those of us who could not get to Bali, could still feel a part of it. Luckily, that school has an enormous stage in a huge outdoor amphitheatre, so a face to face ceremony could take place. The rituals of that ceremony looked the same, with the addition of facemasks made in material that matched the graduates sashes. I do feel for these young people who are experiencing such a very different end to their schooling, but applaud all the schools who have made sure that these important rituals can take place in some form. They are so important.

Reflecting on these traditions has brought me to remember one of my favourite traditions at CCS, Bali. The "X Factor" concert on the last morning of the school year. The whole school got together for the concert, which ended with a dance performance by the teachers. The whole school community were there and the atmosphere was always amazing. A true community event. The first year I joined in this dance extravaganza, was the year I took over as School Director. 2014. Our talented teachers had choreographed a flash mob.

I bounced onto the stage to the final song of the day was a popular ditty of the year: the very fitting "What does the Fox say?" Pre-Covid joy!


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